Civs at War
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About the author

Who am I...

Ok if you’ve been wondering who’s the maniac making up this site in his head I’ll tell you a little about me (but not too much because giving out information on the web is bad). First off my social security number is…oh never mind that! I’m 17 at this time a senior of St. Thomas High School in Houston, Texas (Texans always identify themselves as Texans before Americans, I don’t know why really) who’ll be attending Loyola University in New Orleans starting fall of ’05. If you’re wondering how I had time to make this website I’ll give a little list telling you why…

1. I’m a Senior and writing this in the last weeks of high school so even if I had work to do I’m not doing it anyways.

2. Yes I do really have a lot of time on my hands.

3. I love history and did this as a labor of love (that was so cheesy).

4. I’ve always wanted to write about theses great countries fighting against each other.

5. I was bored.(the most critical reason that drives teenagers to do the things they do.)